Monday, June 25, 2012


This morning I'm feeling so disappointed. The second pregnancy test still came up negative with the words clearly Not Pregnant. I'm feeling less optimistic at this point since my actual BETA is tomorrow, but I'm still not ready to throw in the towel. Maybe my BETA numbers are just to low to show up on the home test. Maybe I will stay in denial for one more day. I want to believe the test is wrong, but it seems unlikely at this point. I felt like it was a miracle for our last two guys to even make it through the thaw. This will more than likely be our last attempt, and I really believed that one of these little guys would make it. I'm going to get out of this funk, head to work, and pray for better results tomorrow. I hope all of you are having a better Monday morning!


  1. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.

  2. Thinking of you! Keep in mind that FET betas are lower then normal. At least they were for me.

  3. Thanks! That's good to know!!!!

  4. Fingers crossed for you! It's normal for FETS to have lower betas but they catch up.

  5. Thinking of you. Sorry about the negative test. Fingers crossed that you get great news tomorrow!

  6. Sending some positive energy and wishing you the very best!! ((hugs))

  7. Oh Sandy... I'm so sorry that I'm so far behind on commenting and missed your transfer. Thinking of you and keeping my FXd for you. This journey is so hard... and even harder on the last cycle - know how you feel - and wishing with all my heart that this one works out xoxo
