Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

The weekend has went by quicker than I anticipated, thank goodness. Yesterday afternoon I felt like AF was going to come. My boobs hurt, I was tired and I felt a little bit of cramping; when I went to the bathroom in the afternoon I was spotting. Just a little and not to gross anyone totally out but it was brown, which is unusually for me. I felt my heart sink but than told myself I would not freak out. I decided to cancel all plans and take it easy for the rest of the day. I laid down to read a book and was asleep within five minutes. Like I said I was really tired. This morning I woke up at 6:30 to of course use the bathroom and I decided to test. I know I said I wasn't going to do it. But I had to. I already had the test from another cycle and I just needed to know. I just had to do it. When the words POSITIVE appeared, I couldn't believe it. For right now at this minute I'm pregnant, according to the test and I couldn't be happier. Now I know the test could be wrong but right now I'm going with these results until proven otherwise. Of course I will feel better tomorrow after the results of my blood test but at least I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I woke C up at 6:30 this morning to tell him because I was so excited and of course I couldn't go back to sleep. This afternoon we drove three hours (round trip) to take my mom to brunch. I received some bad news that one of my good friend's mom from work died Saturday evening. We lost C's mom a few years back to lung cancer and anytime I hear that someone lost their parent now it makes me incredibly sad. It's awful to lose a parent. To those of you that recently found out your expecting or mother's already happy Mother's Day. To those of you that are waiting I hope you have your good news soon. I'm feeling so lucky right now. I'm not sure how I would of made it through the day if my test would have been BFN. I'm praying that the test was right. I'm so excited and want to tell the world I'm pregnant but I'm so scared to share my news and just have this be another disappointment. Right now I'm just going to try to enjoy the moment.


  1. Wow!! Congrats!!! What a great Mother's Day gift! :-)

  2. So very happy for you - it's positive!!! It's very rare to get a false positive... Let us know what the beta number is!!! Happy Mother's Day!!!
